The following is a list of links that can be copied and pasted so as to direct people to specific sections of the Jasper Gates FreshCo/UFCW 401 Collective Agreement.
Because links have to be formatted differently for mobile devices and desktop devices there are two different sets of links below.
The first column is the article number, the next column is the article name, the third is the mobile web address (URL), and the fourth is the URL for desktop devices. Find out which type of device your recipient will be viewing the article on.
Hold button (if working from your mobile device) or right-click the button (if working from your desktop computer), select copy, and paste where you’d like to share the link to the article. The mobile link will only work for recipients on mobile devices such as phones or tablets. The desktop link will only work for recipients on desktop devices such as Mac or Windows computers.
Paste it into the comment field where you are sharing it (for instance a text message, Facebook comment, or a Twitter post).