Shawky El-Mougy – Scholarship

Our warmest congratulations go out to Shawky on his successful bid for one of two Robert McWilliams Memorial Scholarships

A 401 member out of one of the Edmonton Superstores, Shawky won his scholarship with an essay that examined, and focused on, “The Power of Unions”.  Delving into the historical aspects of trade unionism as well as modern realities of unionism, Shawky really captured the need for unions to grow as organizations and more importantly as conduits for working people to take the reigns and lead the fight for change in the workplace and in our communities.

Shawky is attending NAIT working toward a diploma in Bio-Medical Engineering Technology and looks forward to using that degree to work in a hospital where he will maintain and repair the life-saving equipment needed to diagnose patients, like x-ray machines and CT scanners.

“I would like to thank UFCW Local 401 for all the support they offer to me…”, he said.

“Without their scholarships, I may have dropped the program and I really appreciate their help and encourage all colleagues to apply,” he concludes.

Shawky, we are honoured to be a part of your future goals and helping those come to fruition.  But it is us who would like to thank you, for your membership in 401, your support of your union and thus your coworkers, and for being someone we can all admire in our community.

We wish you the best in your future aspirations!

Shawky (R) receives his Robert McWilliams Memorial Scholarship cheque from his Union Rep Rick

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