Timothy Boser – Retirement

20 year Safeway worker and UFCW 401 Shop Steward Timothy is entering into a very well-earned retirement and he will leave behind some very big shoes to fill. The long-time activist has a stellar reputation for speaking up for his coworkers and using his voice to support and assist countless union members in his 20 years.

“Timothy was a strong and reliable Steward who could be counted on to handle situations at the store with professionalism and confidentiality,” UFCW 401 Union Rep Cheryl recalls. “He was an activist and supporter of women’s issues, and often attended the Edmonton Area Women’s Committee events to assist with any project and add a helping hand.”

Timothy’s shoes will be big ones to fill. He worked in many areas of the store over his 20 years, ranging from floral to grocery and BDR, as well as cashing in the front end.

He became a Shop Steward in 2006 and walked in support of workers on many picket lines and attended many social justice marches and events.

“My fondest memories are at conventions, the Canadian Labour Congress in Vancouver, and spending time with Doug O’Halloran, Theresa McLaren, and many of my fellow activists,” Timothy shares. “Being part of UFCW 401 was a big part of my activities and everyone I got to know through my union family.”

Now that his time is his own, Timothy is excited to get started on home renovations and diving more into one of his passions; antiquing and going to antique shows. He will also be celebrating retirement by spending more time with his favourite people who include his grandchildren and children.

Cheryl Watamaniuk, Union Rep and friend of Timothy, shares, “I will miss Timothy at the store, but wish him a wonderful retirement.”

We echo that sentiment, Timothy. You will be greatly missed and we are so grateful for your contributions to working people and your community over all these years. Congrats, brother!

(L to R) Timothy is celebrated here with Union Rep Catherine, Secretary Treasurer Richelle, and Union Rep Dee Mae

(L to R) Timothy is celebrated here with Union Rep Catherine, Secretary Treasurer Richelle, and Union Rep Dee Mae

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