Refresco: Embarking on a different kind of bargaining

Good progress with more work to do!

Last week, your Bargaining Committee met with the Company for the first time to exchange proposals and begin discussing issues in negotiations.

The input that you provided on your bargaining priorities was extremely valuable in directing your Committee’s interactions with the Company. You will also see those priorities reflected in the proposals we presented to the Company.

Click here to see your Union Bargaining Committee’s initial proposals.

Click here to see the Company’s initial proposals.

This round of negotiations is going to be a little bit different than what you are used to. Your Bargaining Committee and union are committed to open bargaining where we keep you informed as the process unfolds.

As an open and democratic union, transparent bargaining is something we feel strongly about providing for our members.

Given the circumstances leading to this round of bargaining, the number of proposals we have presented to the Company and the amount of discussion we need to have is greater than what has been typical of bargaining in the past.

Nonetheless, it is clear that the Company has come to the bargaining table intending to address those issues. Your Committee was happy with the progress we were able to make in discussions last week and is positive about the initial direction of negotiations.

Please don’t hesitate to ask questions of your Bargaining Committee around negotiations!

Your Committee is made up of newer and more experienced members from every department in the Plant. The Committee members are there to be your voice at the bargaining table and are doing an excellent job of highlighting your concerns and representing your best interests thus far.

We are working to secure another round of meeting dates with Refresco. We have two weeks held in May but are also exploring earlier options.

While there remain outstanding non-monetary issues to discuss, we anticipate discussion about monetary issues in the foreseeable future.

We will be sending you a survey to hear more about your specific monetary priorities. Keep your eyes open for that survey!

In solidarity,
Your Union
UFCW Local 401