Last Wednesday we had our second session of Mediation with the employer.

We were ready and hopeful to have a session of meaningful exchanges in search of a better collective agreement. And we were ready to press for proposals that members have strongly indicated are very or extremely important to them, including paid rest periods and sick leave.

Instead, the Company came back with what appeared to be a document from the first contract round of bargaining. They wanted us to withdraw all of our proposals and offer you a 1% lump sum payment!

Your Union saw this as disrespectful to all the hard work you give the Company; they clearly have to do better for you. They now claim the next date of bargaining they are available for is September 27th, though we wished to meet sooner.

As we consider our options going forward, we’ll keep you in the loop as we work to ensure that Bayshore does right by you.


Alberta’s Labour Relations Code requires unions and employers with bargaining relationships to meet with each other and make every reasonable effort to enter into a collective agreement. This is called bargaining in good faith, and conversely, failing to make that kind of effort is called bargaining in bad faith.

The province’s Labour Relations Board decides on a case-by-case basis what constitutes bad faith bargaining, but it recognizes a number of general issues that can lead to a complaint. These can include issues such as:

  • Refusal to meet — or to attend further meetings — in timely fashion once notice for bargaining has been served
  • Showing up to meetings unprepared to engage the bargaining process in a meaningful way
  • “Surface bargaining,” which occurs when a party attends bargaining sessions without a genuine intention to reach a collective agreement

The Labour Board can offer a variety of remedies for parties who encounter bad faith bargaining, and your Union will certainly be exploring our options in our current situation with Bayshore.

Click here to learn more about Alberta’s laws regarding bad faith bargaining.

Stay tuned for further updates!

In solidarity,

Your Union
UFCW Local 401