We cannot have a strike without Picket Captains, who play a critical leadership role. We will need a minimum of 20 Picket Captains to coordinate a strike of this size.

You can sign up for Picket Captain training here.

The main duty of the Picket Captain is to be a leader and support the members walking the picket line. There are a lot of job functions of a Picket Captain listed below, but you need to be a leader, advocate, and voice for the workers at your plant.

It is important that you talk with your co-workers and make sure your leaders sign up to be picket captains. We will make sure they are trained and supported in their role, but only the membership can make sure their leaders sign up.

The basic job functions and duties of a Picket Captain are these:

  •  Make sure that all picketers sign in and out in order to get their strike benefits.   
  • Make sure that the picket rules and regulations are being observed.
  • Maintain a peaceful and orderly picket line.
  • Remit any report forms or information reported on your shift to your Union Representative for immediate attention.  
  • Make sure to boost the members’ morale; they’re depending on you!  
  • Remember, your Union Representative are here to provide support and assistance to the members.  

Picket Captain training will be paid time off from work. Unlike Cargill, we know you are feeling the squeeze of the affordability crisis and want to make sure that getting trained doesn’t cause you to lose any money during these difficult times.

If you have any questions, please contact Teresa (e-mail:, cell: 587-578-9443) or Devin (e-mail:, cell: 403-680-4184).

In solidarity, 

Your UFCW Local 401 Union Bargaining Committee