A “Final Offer” from Civeo: It Was a Tough Couple of Days

Your Negotiating Committee met with the Company on March 7th and 8th, 2024. We exchanged monetary proposals.

Click here to see the Company’s final offer.

Click here to see the benefits booklet.

The Company has said that this is their final offer. They tabled this offer without seeing or hearing a counteroffer from your Union Negotiating Committee.

We will be scheduling consultations over the next few weeks to answer all your questions. We will take the time to meet with legal counsel next week and explore our options on how to respond.

We will tentatively plan to hold a ratification vote following the purple turnaround on March 26th and 27th, 2024, at site and online.

If you or someone you know are not receiving union emails, please contact your Union Labour Relations Officer, Clayton Herriot, at cherriot@ufcw401.ab.ca so we can update our records before the vote.

“This offer is not what we expected,” said Chris O’Halloran, Executive Director for UFCW Local 401. “There are no negotiations anywhere in the province that do not include wage increases right now.”

This is going to be a tremendously difficult decision for members. So, take your time. We know that there will be some feelings of anger and disappointment when you read this offer.

We will be back up at site in the week of March 18th – 22nd, 2024, to answer your questions before the vote.