As we prepare to head back to the negotiating table, we have to send Cargill a strong message. They need to know there will be consequences if they do not make a good offer to the membership.

A strong strike vote is how we do that.

What is a good offer? It’s one that addresses the cost-of-living crisis everyone is facing.

The negotiating committee has been clear that they want to see 3 major improvements to the company offer:

  1. A guarantee of hours for all members
  2. A wage increase that not only keeps up with inflation, but also allows members to get just a little bit ahead.
  3. Improved overtime provisions.

Members deserve an offer from the employer that can make their lives more affordable. Cargill can easily meet those needs.

A strong strike vote also gives us the ability to speak to the public and Cargill’s customers. Members should start to prepare for secondary picketing at workplaces other than Cargill Case-Ready. Once we are in a legal strike position we can start to talk with the public at Wal-Mart, Sobeys and Loblaws stores.

“We will put pressure on Cargill to treat the membership fairly,” said Chris O’Halloran, Executive Director for UFCW Local 401. “We will do this by talking to customers directly but also through advertisement.”

We will ask members to start compiling a list of Cargills’ customers and who they ship product to. Once we have a strong strike vote, we will apply to the Alberta Labour Relation Board for the right to secondary picketing all of these locations.

If you have any questions, please contact Teresa (e-mail: tludwig@ufcw401.ab.ca, cell: 587-578-9443) or Devin (e-mail: dyeager@ufcw401.ab.ca, cell: 403-680-4184).

In solidarity, 

Your UFCW Local 401 Union Bargaining Committee