In the last contract negotiation, the company claimed poverty and received concessions from the membership. What did they do with the money they saved?
The answer is NO!
What did they do?
This round of negotiation is about fairness. We will be in mediation this week and will be asking the mediator to write out at the end of the week. This will allow us to prepare for a strike.
The weather has changed, and it is time to show Civeo enough is enough.
We have told the company we will vote their offer following this week of negotiations. If they refuse to present an offer for the membership to vote on, we will vote the mediator’s recommendations.
Click here for more information on mediation.
If you are interested in joining us via video conference for negotiations please email the walking steward at all members are welcome to come and observe the companies bargaining positions.
Posted on: April 27,2021