As we prepare for the strike vote and picket captain training next week, it’s also important that we start to turn our attention to when we return to the negotiating table.

UFCW members at the Cargill plant in Ontario had a recent 99% strike vote. They returned to the table last week and received an improved offer. They took a vote on that offer yesterday, and we’ll get you more details on the results once they become available.

When we return to the negotiating table, we must make sure that Cargill understands they need to provide a substantially improved offer. A strong Yes Vote is one way we send that message. Another way is to make sure we have lots of information and leverage.

On Friday you will be receiving a survey asking you to track the prices and price increases for the product Cargill Case-Ready produces. We will also be asking our other UFCW Local 401 members to start tracking the price increases they are seeing in retail grocery stores.

“It is hard to read or watch the news and not see another story about grocery costs going up almost every day,” said Chris O’Halloran, Executive Director at UFCW Local 401. “Companies like Cargill, Sobeys and Loblaw are making huge profits while their workers struggle to buy the very same products they sell and produce.”

It will be important that we have this information when we return to the negotiating table. So please take the time, over the next few weeks, to share your stories about the prices you are paying for the product you produce.

If you have any questions, please contact Devin (e-mail:, cell: 403-680-4184) or Noah (e-mail:

In solidarity, 

Your UFCW Local 401 Union Bargaining Committee