Maple Leaf Edmonton Bargaining Update

Maple Leaf Lethbridge –”Not the offer we hoped for.”

After seeing Maple Leaf’s actions with your benefits in Edmonton and hearing their repeated statements that they will not treat all members equally or guarantee stable income through consistent hours, it’s time for the Edmonton membership to fight for a fair deal at Maple Leaf.

We have taken the first step at the bargaining table and applied for mediation.
Check out this video if you have questions about the process of mediation.

We received notice from Mediation Service yesterday that they have appointed Rick Wilson to join us at the bargaining table Nov 22-24, 2023. The employer has agreed to these dates, but we must convince them they must fix the benefits, give everyone a guarantee and table a fair wage offer.

Maple Leaf did not offer as much money as we had hoped in Lethbridge, but they addressed issues around the hours’ guarantee and provided an improved benefit plan.

Currently, Maple Leaf is not addressing any of the big three issues we have told them are vital to the deal.

“I was at the table with the members of Maple Leaf in Lethbridge, and anyone could see from the looks on our faces that we did not get the money we had hoped for,” said Chris O’Halloran, Executive Director UFCW Local 401. “Here in Edmonton, the membership must show they are prepared to fight for what they deserve.”

In the upcoming week, your bargaining team will actively promote UFCW’s National Defence Fund (NDF). We’ll distribute flyers throughout the plant and will be available to answer any questions you may have. 

For more information on the NDF, visit our online resources here.

“The membership needs to consider sending a 100-million-dollar message to the company,” continued O’Halloran. “Maple Leaf knows what we can do with a 100-million-dollar communication and strike budget. They know that this will not just be a picket line in Edmonton. There will be a national communication strategy that will target every aspect of their business.”

After you review the information on the NDF, please let us know if you have any questions about the NDF and why it is essential.

If you have questions, please contact Chris O’Halloran at
587-999-6448, at, or via Facebook @chrisohalloranufcw401.
Or Matt Gilks at 587-990-2004 or by email at