We continue to prepare, making sure we have everything we need for a strike with Cargill.

Part of the preparation is to ensure everyone knows what to do and what not to do while striking. Cargill, like any employer, will try to restrict the workers’ right to picket if they can. Employers have been able to restrict members’ rights to picket if workers do not follow the rules.

The Rules of Picketing

  • Every picket line will have a senior picket captain and three (3) picket captains for every entrance or 75 members.  
  • Picketers must report to the picket captain when they arrive and leave. They must sign in upon arrival and at the end of your shift.  
  • Picketers should cooperate with requests to change picket locations or shifts to maintain effective picket lines.  
  • Strikers should wear weather-appropriate, comfortable clothing and shoes. 
  • Picket captains should try to rotate breaks, so the picket line remains strong at all times.   
  • Do not litter.  
  • Don’t lounge on sidewalk, etc., keep the picket line moving.  
  • Talk to customers who cross the picket line at retail locations and try to convince them to support the strike.  
  • No drugs, alcohol, weapons, or violence whatsoever will be tolerated on picket lines.  
  • Refer all media to the Strike Headquarters.  
  • Do not threaten anyone crossing the line. Do not touch or reach into personal/individual vehicles.  
  • Do not block traffic and/or the public by standing in a driveway/walking entrance to the facility. Do not for any reason step onto company property.   

If you have any questions, please contact Devin (e-mail:, cell: 403-680-4184).

In solidarity, 

Your UFCW Local 401 Union Bargaining Committee