P&H Milling Final Offer and Vote

Throughout the bargaining process, your Union Negotiating Committee has strived to advance your issues, concerns and demands to P&H Milling since negotiations began last year. 

It has always been the goal of your committee to bring the best possible offer back to the membership for them to vote on. 

While we have reached agreement on many issues, we could not agree on an overall package as we felt P&H Milling was still not addressing some of the workers’ concerns. Last week, the company tabled what they referred to as their best and final offer. 

To see P&H Milling’s Final Offer, click here.

While this offer does not address every issue raised by the membership, your Negotiating Committee believes that through your support and solidarity, we were able to push the company to put its best possible financial offer on the table under the current circumstances.

Here are some of the highlights:

  • Four-year agreement expiring on December 31, 2026
  • 9% increases to wages over the life of the agreement, with 5% at ratification and retro.  (3% – Jan 2023, 2% – Jan 2024, 2% – Jan 2025, 2% – Jan 2026)
  • $1,500 appreciation bonus
  • New apprenticeship language
  • Decreased time required for 5th week of vacation
  • Increased long-term disability weekly maximums
  • Improved Union representation language

To give the membership adequate time to review P&H Milling’s Final Offer, we are arranging for two weeks before we hold the ratification vote. During this time, we encourage you to review the document thoroughly and direct any questions you may have to your Union Negotiating Committee members.

While your committee understands that the expectations of the membership are high, we felt that it was important for this Final Offer to be brought back to the membership for you to vote on, as the company has indicated that no further offers will be made. Contained within this offer are several improvements and additions to the contract that, if accepted, would provide additional benefits and wages to employees right away. 

In-person voting will be held at the plant
on Tuesday, July 23, 2024,
from 6:00 am to 8:00 am and
at the Union Office (#104, 3305 18 Ave N)
from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm.

Online voting (for those unable to vote in person) will be conducted between
8:30 am and 1:00 pm
on Wednesday, July 24, 2024.

Please note that participating in online voting requires a valid email address. We will send a ballot to all members who have registered their email with your union office and who did not vote in person. 

If you are unsure if we have your correct email address, please contact the union office to update your contact information. This choice is important, and we encourage everyone to review the information and vote.

In solidarity,
Your UFCW Local 401 Union Negotiating Committee,
Devin Yeager (Spokesperson), Cam Howey (Union Representative), George Bellows, Rick Mathews, Robert Farough