Proposals Exchanged

Collective Bargaining begins

Your Union Negotiating Committee met virtually and began bargaining with the company on November 7-9. While this is just the beginning of the bargaining process, each side gave opening statements to talk about themes and goals for the future followed by an exchange of proposals. Normally the bargaining process starts addressing non-monetary items first before any monetary items are discussed. During these three days, we had a lot of good discussions and were able to come to some agreement on the topics of union representation, processes for overtime selection, anti-harassment and discrimination, and housekeeping language updates.

Open and transparent bargaining

Under the new leadership of President Thomas Hesse and Secretary-Treasurer Richelle Stewart, and with the support of the Executive Board, the local has adopted an open and transparent approach to collective bargaining. This means that your bargaining committee will be providing regular updates and creating opportunities for you to be more involved as the process continues. For more on what open bargaining is, click HERE

In keeping with open bargaining, we have wanted to provide you with the initial bargaining proposals from both your union and the company for you to review.

IMPORTANT: If you did not receive a copy of the proposals by email, please contact our office to update your contact information. To review the proposals please click below:

Union Proposals
Company Proposals

Alternatively, members of your negotiating committee can provide you with a paper copy. 

Upcoming bargaining dates

Your negotiating committee has scheduled January 17-19, 2024 to continue discussions with the employer.

Over the coming weeks, we will also be asking you to complete a survey to determine the ranking of the monetary proposals. Your input is extremely important to help your committee address your needs. 

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. 

In solidarity,

Your UFCW Local 401 Union Negotiating Committee:
Devin Yeager, Spokesperson
Cody Kromin
Bonnie Scheller
Cameron Torringa