Sofina Demands Concessions, We’re Fighting Back

UFCW 401 members at Sofina Edmonton,

Over the last few months, your UFCW 401 Union Bargaining Committee has been meeting with Sofina in an attempt to reach a new union contract with improvements that the members can be proud of.

While your bargaining team has made progress on non-money issues, there’s still a big gap regarding pay and other money concerns.

During the last meeting with the company on January 14th – 16th, 2025, Sofina put forward an opening money-related package. While it did contain some helpful changes, it still had some negative trade-offs that would cause serious problems for members. But the package is not a final offer, which means there may be some room for improvement, and your committee will continue to push Sofina to put its best offer on the table.

The company’s first offer contained some positive parts, including better shift and freezer premiums, meal and boot allowances, and vision care.

Though it also included a one-hour-per-week increase on the weekly guarantee of hours, it did not change who qualified for the guarantee.

The company also proposed a 3-year contract with increases yearly of $0.60. 

While these items would be definite improvements, it would be at the cost of several things that you currently have, and the company is trying to take away or change, such as:

  • Current vacation pay is based on your pay before deductions, including overtime, and the company wants to reduce it only to include regular pay
  • Limit times when you can take a vacation by not allowing anyone to take a vacation for 3 months a year (4 weeks before Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas)
  • Those employees with more than 3 weeks of vacation can only book 3 weeks by seniority. Then, they must wait until all junior employees have booked their vacation before allowing seniors to book their remaining vacation.
  • Employees who qualify for the weekly guarantee will be sent home once they reach the guarantee before junior employees who have not yet worked their guaranteed hours.
  • Introduction of part-time employees with significantly fewer rights and entitlements than full-time employees

“Every day, our members feel the squeeze as the cost of living shoots through the roof – groceries, utilities, and nearly everything else keeps skyrocketing. The hard truth is that what an hour’s wage could buy at the start of this Collective Agreement five years ago just doesn’t stretch the same way today. We owe it to working families to fight for real solutions that respect the value of their work.”
–Thomas Hesse, President UFCW 401

The membership has been clear that your expectations are high, and what may have been considered an acceptable offer from the employer before COVID-19 will no longer cut it in today’s tough economy. Unfortunately, the employer continues to push for trade-offs that would make things worse for members than they already are today. 

“The UFCW 401  Bargaining Committee members from Sofina are doing an incredible job standing up for what you, their co-workers, have said truly matters. They’re bringing your priorities front and center at every negotiation session, and they’ll keep pushing the employer for an offer that genuinely meets your needs and reflects the value you deserve.”   –Richelle Stewart, Secretary-Treasurer UFCW 401

If you have any questions, contact Cheryl Watamaniuk at or 780-452-0362 (Ext.1313).

In Solidarity,
Your Union Bargaining Committee

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