As we await our next round of mediation on June 26th, it’s time for a look at another of our proposals to the Company. This one is about travel time pay and is one of the proposals covered in the complete document linked below.

We’d like to go back to the table and tell the Company just how many of our members think Travel Time Pay is important. Take a look at the proposals below. You’ll be able to see some back-and-forth between us and the Company, and our specific compensation proposal for each kilometer travelled for work.

Let us know what you think. Is this an important issue for you? You can take the survey here.

Click this link to view the Union’s updated proposals in full.

Travel Time Pay (Article 8.04)

All employees who travel to complete their work assignments shall be compensated accordingly. This article will be further discussed as a part of the monetary proposals discussion.

Employer Response: This a monetary proposal and the Employer will speak to this proposal once it is tabled by the Union.
The Union requires further information on the areas/communities where employees are required to travel and provide service on behalf of Bayshore. This additional information will allow the Union to provide a more informative proposal. Travel Time Pay is a major area of concern for members, and as such, the Union has raised this issue in the form of a proposal, for more collaboration between the parties, towards a resolution.

The Union further proposes the following:

All employees covered by this Collective Agreement, and working in the community, shall receive travel time pay as follows:

All kilometres travelled by community employees, working within the Wheatland County and Strathmore areas, shall receive travel time pay (mileage) equivalent to sixty-eight ($0.68) cents per kilometre, for every kilometre travelled. Further, all employees working within these communities, shall receive reimbursement for gas mileage at the said rate of 68c/km. When there is travel of at least 5km from their place of original departure and between each visit.


Want to learn more about Mediation?

Check out the video at this link to learn more about what Mediation is and how it works.

Stay tuned for further updates!