Here’s the Problem with Cargill Case Ready Management…

At recent meetings with Cargill Case Ready management, UFCW Local 401 and your Bargaining Committee again told the Company what your priorities are:

  • Employees want job security and a guaranteed income through a guaranteed work week.
  • Employees need adequate compensation to deal with inflation and the affordability crisis.
  • Wages and benefits are a major issue.
  • Employees want and need a strong Union voice and visibility in the workplace.

Unfortunately, Cargill Case Ready management has not changed their offer or bargaining position on these issues.

It’s no surprise that 100% of Cargill Case Ready employees are ready to strike.

Cargill Case Ready management tries to confuse employees by arguing that they are ready and willing to bargain. But they are not showing flexibility or a willingness to bend.

That is not bargaining. Negotiations are a waste of time if Cargill Case Ready won’t improve their offer. At this point, they are not showing that flexibility.

In the coming weeks, it is your Union’s and the Bargaining Committee’s intention to get Cargill Case Ready management to be flexible. Some additional meetings could occur.

But Cargill Case Ready employees are strong and can see through the company’s empty words. Cargill Case Ready must be willing to bend and to improve their offer. Their employees will accept nothing less.

In solidarity,

Your Union
UFCW Local 401

President Hesse and Treasurer Stewart join a Cargill Case Ready employee at a recent leafleting event.