Victory at P&H Milling

P&H Milling Workers Pushback Against Proposed Concessions to Win Improved Offer

November 24, 2021 – Lethbridge – After some delays and a protracted set of contract renewal talks, Workers at P&H Milling in Lethbridge are celebrating their new and improved Collective Agreement.

With wage increases in each year of a 3-year deal, they will also receive retroactive pay from the date of expiry in Jan 2020. The union negotiating committee also won increases to paid days for bereavement leave, as well as increases to life insurance and boot allowance.

What the committee should be most proud of, however, is their strong stance against any type of employer demands for concessions.

β€œThe company came into negotiations seeking takeaways, but quickly took them off the table when the committee told them there would be NO DEAL with concessions,” Union Labour Relations Officer Bill Bennet boasts.

Congratulations to the members at P&H Milling on your improved contract. Standing up against demands to erode your hard fought for rights, protections, and compensation has paid off and your improvements are well-earned!