Your UFCW 401 bargaining committee met and continued negotiations with the West Coast Reduction on March 3rd, 4th, 10th and 11th, 2025. Over the four days, the parties made additional monetary progress on benefits and premiums, pushing the company to improve its wage offer.
The company’s moves were smaller with each pass, and on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, West Coast Reduction indicated they had reached the end of their mandate and tabled what they called their “best offer” that the company wants to last for a five-year term.
After much discussion, your union bargaining committee felt that the offer failed to meet or address the membership’s concerns about sick days, RRSP contributions, vacation entitlements, and the introduction of a training premium.
While the company did improve their wage offer from where it was previously, your committee still believes it is insufficient to meet the membership’s needs and expectations, especially when tied to a five-year term.
“Open and transparent bargaining is critical in how UFCW 401 works,” said Thomas Hesse, President of UFCW Local 401. “That’s why it is essential to bring this offer back to the membership to conduct a vote and let you have your say.”
If the membership rejects the offer, it will send a strong message to the company, and your union will make an application for government-assisted mediation.
“Our members deserve more than tiny steps forward,” emphasized Richelle Stewart, Treasurer of UFCW Local 401. “By speaking clearly and collectively, we remind the company that workers’ expectations can’t be sidelined—real progress means addressing your priorities, not just theirs.”
It will take a few days to get the final document put together. Once we complete the document, it will be distributed to the membership via email and paper for you to review. Your bargaining committee are also working on logistics for setting up information meetings and in-person and online votes in the coming weeks.
We will update you once these details are finalized. Please stay tuned for further information as it becomes available.
In Solidarity,
Your Union Bargaining Committee.
For a printable version of this document, click here.
Posted on: March 14,2025