ADM Negotiations Update & Another Arbitration Win!

ADM Milling & UFCW Local 401 Union Contract Negotiations Update

Plus Another Arbitration Win for the Union!


As ADM Milling workers will recall, the parties are currently in Conciliation for the renewal of your Union Contract. Meetings are scheduled to resume on January 18 & 19, 2018. We are also tentatively scheduled for February 15 & 16, 2018.

At this point, we still need to gear-up for a strike vote, possibly early in the New Year.

Remember, ADM still has not presented a monetary offer to your bargaining committee.

Since the last round of Conciliation, which took place on October 16 & 17, and our last update, the Union has once again had a big arbitration win!

Your co-worker Jessy Gobeil’s 2016 termination has been overturned!

In addition to granting her compensation for lost wages, Arbitrator Beattie awarded Jessy $10,000 in damages and lost wages and the Union $20,000 in damages to remedy the fact that the employer disciplined her without union representation in addition to firing her. Arbitrator Beattie found the employer’s testimony to be “disturbing” in its lack of credibility and said,

I am of the view that the conduct of the Company, both as regards [to] the breach of the Section and its untrustworthy evidence at the Arbitration Hearing was egregious to the point that damages should be awarded.

Arbitrator Beattie ordered that the grievor be “reinstated”, and that the one-day suspension is “substituted” for the termination.   He also writes: “The Company clearly breached the Union representation entitlement even to the point of denying that a meeting took place on February 22.”

The Union also participated in hearings with the Canada Industrial Relations Board from November 20-22 in regard to two unfair labour practice (bad faith bargaining) complaints brought against ADM. We are currently waiting for a decision from the Board.

As always, should you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your union bargaining committee, or feel free to contact the union office directly.

Stay tuned for further updates!

In solidarity,


Your Union Bargaining Committee