ATTN: UFCW 401 Members! Chance to Win an iPad

Don’t miss this very special telephone town hall General Membership Meeting where you can have the chance to win an iPad just for asking a question in advance of the meeting!

This Sunday, January 31st, please join us for one of two meetings. There will be a discussion with a panel of experts on vaccinations and the impacts on you and your workplace. As with all General Membership Meetings, we will also provide members with an update on ongoing negotiations and all the normal, procedural union General Membership Meeting topics, including a review of previous minutes, union finances, and other matters. You can also expect to be polled on a variety of topics.

Many of you have expressed great interest around vaccinations and there are many questions. What is a vaccine? Do vaccines work? How might they impact workers? Can they be forced on workers by governments or employers? These are important questions, and that’s why we’ve enlisted experts and special guests to join us to discuss the legal and medical issues around vaccinations and their possible impacts on working people. We want to answer as many questions as possible.


Members participating in the call can ask questions during the call. But we’ve noticed that we often get more questions on our telephone town halls than we have time to answer, so this time, we’re going to experiment with something to help us better prepare and cover the topics that matter most to you.

We will be holding a draw for two prizes! To enter, you only have to do two things:

  1. Ask your question in advance using this quick online form:
  2. Attend the meeting (by phone or online)



11:00 AM or 7:00 PM
Choose one time to tune in, or feel free to tune in to both calls!

How to join the call: Just before the meeting, all UFCW Local 401 members with updated contact information should receive a phone call inviting them to join the call.

If you do not receive, or miss the call, you can also participate online by using the following link:

If you don’t have access to the internet, you can request the call-in details by writing us well in advance of the meeting at

In these difficult times, we are all strong leaders, and we build a strong union by getting involved and participating in it. No matter what challenges 2021 will bring, we are energized and ready to keep building an even stronger union – with YOU!

In Solidarity,

Thomas Hesse, President
Richelle Stewart, Secretary-Treasurer