Bargaining with Safeway Begins Tomorrow Morning!

The stage will soon be set for bargaining with Superstore.

Tomorrow marks the beginning of bargaining with Safeway, and we are ready to make your voices heard!

In the lead-up to negotiations, UFCW Local 401 President Thomas Hesse spoke about the importance of this round of bargaining. “We have engaged in extensive preparations for negotiations with Safeway, but at this point, it’s impossible to know how this will evolve. However members should rest assured that we have spared no expense and devoted every possible resource to preparing for this round of negotiations,” Hesse explained. “I will be there tomorrow to address the company directly and remind them that UFCW Local 401, along with all 32,000 of its members, stand firmly behind Safeway employees.”

The Safeway workers from across the province who make up your Bargaining Committee have been meeting throughout the day to review and refine your priorities. We’ll be meeting with Safeway tomorrow morning to oppose their threatened rollbacks and demand a fair economic deal for all Safeway employees.

Secretary Treasurer Richelle Stewart, who will join President Hesse in tomorrow’s bargaining session, emphasized the importance of amplifying the voices of workers during negotiations. “Tomorrow, I will be there with President Hesse. We will amplify our members’ voices to ensure that Safeway hears the critical and valid concerns that the membership brings to the table,” Stewart stated.

Remember: You NEED a raise. You DESERVE a raise. And Safeway CAN AFFORD to give you one!

At the Same Time, We Are Speaking to the Public

We are running an important radio advertisement about the issues that Safeway, Superstore, and all retail workers face. The ad runs across the province and in every market. We hope that it sends both Safeway and Superstore a message that Local 401 will ensure that the voices of its members are heard.

Click here to listen to the radio advertisement.

We’re in this together! Let’s keep fighting for what’s right and make sure Safeway hears us loud and clear!

In Solidarity,
Your Union
UFCW Local 401