As members gear up to vote on the Company’s offer, your union is dedicated to providing all the information you need to make an informed decision.
In-person voting will take place from January 16-21, 2025.
You can vote in person at any location across the province.
Click here to find a complete list of voting dates and locations.
If you’re not able to make it to one of our in-person votes, don’t worry. You will have the option to vote online from 12:01 am on January 22 until 11:59 pm on January 23rd.
If you do not receive an online ballot, you will be able to request one between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm on January 23 and 24, 2025.
In the meantime, here are a few reminders about what is in the offer and why so many of our members are leaning toward voting NO.
In late December, your union sat down with Safeway for early bargaining talks at the direction of our members. At the end of those meetings, your union believed that more could be accomplished with the Company and suggested we schedule further dates in January.
However, Safeway rejected our suggestion and instead demanded a vote on their offer.
When we asked if it was their final offer, Safeway refused to provide a clear answer. We’ve since conducted a poll of Safeway members, and many Safeway workers feel Safeway is creating a toxic work environment.
Despite that environment, Safeway members also feel that they are able and want to conduct a vote on the offer. Many have expressed concerns about Safeway’s offer and have indicated they are not prepared to accept it in a vote.
Being part of a union means your voice and vote matter. The outcome of this vote will affect you for the next four years, locking you into a contract during uncertain times.
Safeway’s offer provides no wage increases for anyone for the next two years.
Top-rate and overscale employees will receive 2% wage increases in the final two years of the offer. But in-scale Safeway workers will only see lump sum payments of $500 in each of the four years of the contract.
There are no wage increases for in-scale employees whatsoever.
Many members have articulated concerns that this offer will leave Safeway workers struggling during an affordability crisis, particularly those on the scales.
The decision is yours to make. But your union believes that Safeway workers deserve better.
Here are some additional things to consider:
Click here to take a closer look at the Company’s offer.
It’s difficult to predict Safeway’s next move. Further, given the bullying and intimidation in which they have engaged, it’s hard to place much trust in the Company.
While the Company might try to revert the wages of top-rate and overscale employees to what they were prior to the Wage Reopener Award your union won, union lawyers indicate it would be difficult and complicated for them to make you pay increases back without your consent.
UFCW Local 401 lawyers strongly advise saying NO if Safeway asks you for the money back. You should also know that your union will have your back should this become a fight we are forced to have with the Company.
You have the power to vote NO to Safeway’s offer and, rest assured, your union will stand by you, fighting for you and with you every step of the way.
As you’ll hear shortly, thousands of Safeway customers have already responded to your union’s television ad campaign expressing their frustration with the Company’s grocery greed and their support for your fight and fair checkout.
Not only do you have the strength of your union and our 32,000 members behind you, but Safeway customers across the province are also with you!
Above all, you owe it to yourself to make sure your vote is informed. We encourage you to engage in discussions with your coworkers, make your voice heard, and ensure that your vote reflects what’s best for you and your community.
You can also:
This decision is in your hands and your union has your back. We want to make sure you feel confident and empowered when you vote.
In solidarity,
Thomas Hesse, President
Richelle Stewart, Secretary Treasurer
UFCW Local 401
Posted on: January 08,2025