December 6 Day of Remembrance Fundraiser

December 6th is the National Day of Remembrance & Action on Violence Against Women. This marks the anniversary of the massacre of 14 women who were murdered December 6, 1989 at the École Polytechnique in Montréal by a man who targeted them simply because they were women.

Each year we not only pause to reflect on the devastating loss of life and the ongoing and systemic problems that lead to violence, we also commit to creating change to end it.

This year, the Calgary & District Labour Council is sponsoring a fundraising event that is vital to this work. Please see their invitation below to a virtual fundraising event that assist the amazing work of both the Bow Valley Women’s Emergency Shelter, and the Awo Taan Healing Lodge Emergency Shelter. Without these two agencies, many women and children would be unable to cope and find the means to leave abusive situations. Organizations like these not only empower women to leave, they quite literally save lives.

From the CDLC:

This year has marked many apparent changes to the way we are permitted to support our community, but supporting our community has never been more critical. We must never forget about the most vulnerable in our midst, and our ability to come alongside them, especially in today’s conditions.

With that in mind, we will be offering a new format for our December 6, Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women annual event. On Sunday, December 6th at 6 PM, we will be providing a Zoom presentation that will aid in fundraising for the Bow Valley Women’s Emergency Shelter and the Awo Taan Healing Lodge Emergency Shelter. 

Your support for these two agencies is vital. Without having a ticket price, and a silent auction, which is how the funds were raised in the past, we are counting on people like you to donate what you can in support, and raise more than other years’ events. You can send your donations directly to the Bow Valley Women’s Emergency Shelter by clicking HERE, or directly to the Awo Taan Healing Lodge Emergency Shelter by clicking HERE. 

We hope you will participate both in the zoom presentation, and in financially supporting these valuable agencies. If you have any question please email:

Webinar ID: 833 5521 4792
Passcode: 402153


Calgary & District Labour Council
#321, 3132 – 26 St. NE
Calgary, AB  T1Y 6Z1