A wonderful day was spent recently engaging with our newest members at Maple Leaf Poultry in Edmonton. The presence of our dedicated Union Labour Relations Officer Matt Gilks, and UFCW National Representative Noah Mogesse, was met with enthusiasm [pictured here with Maple Leaf member Sukhwinder (R)].
401’s newest members displayed genuine eagerness, sharing an array of questions, valuable ideas, and insightful suggestions focused on ensuring a seamless transition to UFCW Local 401. Their active participation underscores the importance of member support and collaboration.
Emphasizing our belief that unity leads to strength, we remain committed to fostering a community where every member’s voice is heard, and together, we create a pathway toward shared success.
Matt and Noah will be back at the plant on Thursday to answer more questions and sit down with our newest members.
Members can reach us at: mapleleafedm@ufcw401.ab.ca or 780-452-0362 in advance of the visit, or at any time, with questions or concerns. Please also feel free to email us to share your personal contact information.
Posted on: August 15,2023