According to the Safeway Talks distributed by the Company this morning, Sobeys will be exactly what so many predicted: cruel and greedy.
The Company will take away the wage increases that you need and have earned, even though it is a wage increase they can clearly afford.
Empire Group Net Income
It’s that simple.
The Company has tried to say this is about you and your union, claiming that we are the problem. But, at this point it’s pretty clear: Sobeys is the problem.
There is no reason whatsoever that the Company can’t continue to pay you the raises you need and deserve. Those wage increases were in their offer.
But there’s a wrinkle. The Company is not doing exactly what they said they were going to do. They have retreated a little bit.
Instead of taking back the 10% increases won by top-rate and overscale employees, the amount they claimed that an arbitrator had improperly awarded, they are instead going to roll wages back by 6.5%.
The Company does not like a strong union voice, nor when you place pressure on them through your union. However, they just surrendered 3.5% of the money they claimed that you owed them due to that pressure.
Together, we can keep pushing them to do the right thing and retreat from this disgusting position.
Sobeys continues to threaten to try to collect “overpayments” from you. JUST SAY NO!
We do not believe that this is a lawful action, and we believe they cannot collect this money from you unless you agree. If you refuse, the Company will be required to file a grievance, which will result in months of litigation.
If you have questions, call the toll-free number we have set up for our Safeway members given the Company’s threats:
Again, Sobeys own contract offer included the maintenance of the 10% raises. To take any portion of it away now is mean and cold-hearted.
Many are suffering from an unprecedented affordability crisis and can barely get by. There is no reason to argue about this or engage in any further debate. This is just wrong.
Actions speak louder than words. When your actions are cruel, it means that you are cruel. Sobeys is greedy and cruel.
Sobeys has been silent since the vote result was released on January 24, 2025. It is pretty clear that their lawyers and public relations firm have struggled with putting a message together to try to manipulate the situation.
Their best shot is to claim that there is something wrong with your union and how we have stood strong together to fight for a fair offer.
Our members said no and were prepared to fight for what they believe they deserve. Your union ALWAYS has our members’ back when they stand up to their employers.
Another ploy they used was to suggest that your union was up to something when we said we were “stopping” our ads, and the ads were still running yesterday. We were “stopping” our ads and terminated their distribution and appearance on television effective January 26, 2025, the very same day the Company said they would roll wages back.
Television advertising doesn’t stop on a dime. Your union requested that the ads campaign should terminate no later than January 26, 2025. It has.
Ultimately, all of that is irrelevant.
Sobeys dancing and manipulation with their words and lawyers will not pay your bills. What they are doing now is just wrong. They are being mean and greedy and there is no other possible interpretation of their actions.
When someone breaks into your house and steals from you, what do you do? You are angry at the thief like you are angry at Sobeys for, basically, trying to steal your wages.
It’s time to call the police. And, at this point, that’s who your union really is.
We will provide counsel and legal advice while using all of our investigatory powers to defend you. We are on your side, and it may take some time but we will be working to hold the thieves accountable.
Please stand strong and if Sobeys asks you to repay money, JUST SAY NO!
If you have specific questions, please call our toll-free number for Safeway members:
In solidarity,
Your Union
UFCW Local 401
Posted on: January 27,2025