Members Vote on Much Needed Union Bylaw Changes

Over the course of just over 3 weeks, throughout the months of January and February, UFCW 401 members from all corners of the province came out to vote on proposed changes to several areas of the bylaws, which govern Local 401. Those who came out to vote were apprised of each of the several articles affected and the proposed amendments.

In the end, 401 members voted 91% in favour of accepting the proposed bylaw changes, all of which simply create more appropriate representation and avenues to address concerns, as well as better address the need for equitable composition of the Executive Board. Changes to the bylaws now better reflect our internal grievance review process, making it even more open, which encourages better member involvement in the process.

Whether it’s your bylaws, your Collective Agreement, votes on a variety of matters at the bimonthly General Membership meetings, or the election of your officers and Executive Board, we make sure you have a chance to have your collective say through democratic votes.

We are always proud of our nearly 30,000 members, and their most recent vote to update the bylaws and make them more current, is yet another step in the right direction to ensure the best possible representation for all members of this great union.