Quality of Life Improvements Take Centre Stage in New Aramark Contract

Join us in congratulating Aramark Refreshment Services workers who recently ratified a number of impressive improvements to their Collective Agreement! After their recent vote on the employer’s latest offer, these workers fought for and will see these improvements over the life of the agreement.  

In these difficult economic times, it’s easy to focus solely on wages. And while Aramark employees secured fully retroactive wage increases in each year of the contract, amounting to 13.5% up to its expiration in November 2026, they also focused on their health and well-being.

One notable improvement was the introduction of a Health Spending Account valued at $300 annually, in addition to pre-existing benefits. This will give employees the freedom to explore health options they were previously 100% out of pocket for. While this is a modest sum, we are excited to see the introduction of this important benefit that can be built on and improved over time.

Another important improvement means Aramark workers will now have more vacation, sooner!

Workers will now qualify for their 4th week of vacation after 5 years instead of after 9 years. In their 9th year, they will now qualify for their 5th week of vacation. 14 years brings 6 weeks’ vacation, and 19 years entitles them to 7 weeks.

Quality paid vacation time for workers is essential not only for our mental and physical health, it’s also essential in supporting the health of our families, relationships, and communities. We should never have to worry about being able to afford quality time spent with loved ones, and this victory is certainly one to be celebrated!

Prescription eyeglass coverage was also increased by an additional $50, along with more coverage for uniform care and a new annual shoe benefit. Congratulations to Aramark Refreshment Services workers on staying focused and being united in their goals at the bargaining table. This small, yet mighty group of trade unionists’ victory will help other UFCW 401 members in their bid for greater improvements to their Collective Agreements on these crucial quality of life issues. Solidarity in action!