On August 8, 2019 over a dozen Labour Affiliates associated with the Alberta labour community joined UFCW Local 401 outside of the Maple Leaf Poultry plant. Employees were overwhelmed with the scores of labour activists focusing on the goal of better representation for Maple Leaf employees.
Throughout the day interference and intimidation were huge factors, but resilience from the hard working and strong employees allowed many to join in the festivities. Employees walked past their previous representatives with their head held high with many not even breaking stride to acknowledge their existence. Hundreds of burgers and pizza slices were handed out, but more importantly strong conversations took place on why employees were looking to choose UFCW Local 401 as their representative.
Rod Feland Vice President of AUPE commented on the BBQ “It appears that the employees are having a hard time with the level of representation and they want something that is going to work better for them.” He continued “A strong support of solidarity, employees were being dissuaded to come out, but it was incredible to see when everyone was applauding as they were coming through the gate” “It was an emotional experience and it reminded me why were in this business in the first place and why we are stronger when we work together.”
Northern Director Richelle Stewart and Executive Director of Labour Relations Tom Hesse also joined shoulder to shoulder with the employees to find out what they were looking for when it came to representation. It was clear to our Local that basic requirements were not being met by the previous representative, and our Local would easily be able to provide these necessary workplace rights. Tom Hesse noted that “UFCW Local 401 is a vastly unique Local, that has the strength and reach needed to properly represent the employees of Maple Leaf.” Richelle Stewart continued with “Our Local has the day to day communication and representation needed to properly address and resolve employees’ everyday concerns.”
Hearing dates have been scheduled for the middle of next week to sort out details of a representation vote. When the details of the hearing are available you will be notified as soon as possible.
Posted on: August 09,2019