“Some Safeway employees are surely going to vote yes…They are hurting, scared, and anxious. Who can blame them?”– President Thomas Hesse

There is a strong movement among Safeway workers to vote no to the Company offer.
Thousands of employees who are struggling to make their way up the wage scales will receive no increase. Many top-rated and overscale employees are also worried about the next four years.
Local 401 cannot tell you that this is a good deal for those very reasons. It might be acceptable if the contract offer was for one year. But it cannot be recommended given the uncertainty of the next four years.
However, it is important to acknowledge those who want to take this deal and approach them with empathy.
Just a few days ago, the Calgary Herald reported that Calgarians are teetering on the brink of financial insolvency with more than two in five saying they are less than $200 away from financial crisis.
Local 401 is proud to have won a 10% increase for top-rated and overscale employees. The Company says they will take it away if you vote no.
Unfortunately, there is every reason to believe the Sobeys bullies. Who wouldn’t be drawn to accepting a deal where that money would be protected, especially in these desperate times?
Voting yes is completely understandable. Attempting to hang on to what you can right now and worrying about the next four years when they occur has a certain logic during an unprecedented affordability crisis.
 Add in Sobeys’ bullying tactics and we can’t help but respect and understand every single Safeway worker who wants to vote yes.
It would seem that many of the yes votes are coming out based on discussions in the stores. There’s another reason for this. Holiday bills are coming in, credit card statements are alarming, and January hours cuts are occurring. In the face of all this, a sense of panic can kick in.     
It’s a very awkward and difficult time for everyone.
“At Local 401 we empathize with every member,” says Secretary Treasurer Richelle Stewart. “However, let’s be clear, we have no empathy for the billionaire bosses at Sobeys who are exploiting this environment and pushing their employees around. Their actions are, frankly, disgusting.”
If you oppose the Company offer and Sobeys’ conduct and are in a position to do so, come out and vote no. But even with the four-year risk, no one can reasonably criticize those who want to vote yes.
Before you make your decision, attend and participate in your union’s special virtual meeting at 7 PM tonight.
Emails with a link to join the meeting via live video stream went out over the weekend. If instead, you want to join and listen over the phone like you always have, all you need to do is answer our call at approximately 7 PM.
You will still have the opportunity to vote online if you have not already done so in person. Watch for an email with links to cast your online ballot shortly.