T-Force Delivery Drivers Ratify Their First Contract!

Congratulations to the newest members of UFCW Local 401 for ratifying their first contract! 

Drivers with T-Force Logistics handle deliveries for banks, cargo and e-commerce home deliveries. These workers service Southern Alberta, with the majority of their work in the Calgary area.

“This is an amazing, solid group of workers, from the start of the organizing process straight through collective bargaining,” said Chris O’Halloran, Executive Director for UFCW Local 401. “They embraced the local union’s approach to open bargaining. At one point in negotiations we had over half the membership in the room giving feedback.”

Like all of our members, these workers need wage increases during the affordability crisis. They achieved a wage increase with this initial agreement, and drivers saw improvements to their commissions and improved premiums for rural and downtown work.

The agreement also includes a cost of living adjustment (COLA) clause for bank drivers.

A major focus of negotiations was on the proper distribution of work and transparency around payment from T-Force client contacts. The new Agreement achieves both goals, with a guarantee on posting all recurring and new work, and the right to review and confirm proper pay.

“We’re proud to welcome our newest members to their Union,” said President Thomas Hesse of UFCW Local 401. “We know you considered the decision to ratify very carefully, and we applaud your engagement with the bargaining process. This first agreement is a great foundation from which we can build and achieve more, together.”

“Our new members at T-Force Logistics have won some substantial victories in this first agreement,” added Richelle Stewart, Secretary-Treasurer at UFCW 401. “In particular, this ratification marks a renewed effort to bring back cost-of-living adjustment clauses in Alberta agreements, a key tool for fighting the affordability crisis. Congratulations!”  

Your T-Force Logistics Bargaining Committee.

What Comes Next?

As  we start to implement the Agreement, members should reach out to Kyle Sandau with any questions. You can contact Kyle by e-mail at ksandau@ufcw401.ab.ca or by phone at (403) 330-8544.

There are a number of important implementation deadlines in the Agreement that will be tied to the date of ratification. New members should know that for the date of ratification is October 15th, 2024

This will be a 3-year contract, expiring October 14th, 2027. Stay tuned for further updates during the implementation process!

In solidarity,

Your Union
UFCW Local 401