Hundreds of undecided Safeway members join successful virtual meeting to make up their minds on the Company offer
“Some Safeway employees are surely going to vote yes…They are hurting, scared, and anxious. Who can blame them?”– President Thomas Hesse
Julie Sue, Julie Sue, Julie Sue… and Andrew, Too!!
A sensible response to Safeway’s dance
Urgent and important poll for Safeway members
Opportunities to connect with your union ahead of the Safeway vote
Union brings Stay Application to Alberta Court of Appeal on behalf of Safeway employees
President Hesse writes to Safeway store managers…
The poll results are in… Watch for a coming vote on Safeway’s offer
UFCW 401 Advances Strong Economic Arguments in Collective Bargaining With Safeway/Sobeys
Bargaining with Safeway Begins Tomorrow Morning!
20 things your union has done to fight for you and with you!
Hard Times for Safeway Workers…
Statement On Cargill Workforce Reduction Announcement
Are Safeway’s cupboards really bare?
A Thanksgiving Message From Your Union
Standing Strong Against Safeway’s Scare Tactics
Congratulations to the Superstore Collective Agreement Study Group!
Marmot Basin Ski Patrol workers win groundbreaking first contract!
Ramadan Mubarak!
Acknowledging and appreciating our local union’s own Black History
Stop the Squeeze: Is the cost of food about to go up?
Staying the course at Marmot Basin
How lowering grocery prices will help protect everyone