Urgent Message: What’s next with Safeway?

This week, Local 401 leaders met with senior Safeway Labour Relations Officials from Sobeys. To put it in the plainest terms, they were “big shots”. 

The Company officials requested the meeting.

Clearly, union pressure and criticism are coming to bear on Safeway management. Their shameful aggression toward their own employees cannot be sustained.

No wage rollbacks

At the meeting, Local 401 expressed one clear viewpoint: NO constructive discussions can occur with Sobeys without a guarantee to continue wage increases that were won at arbitration. Full stop.

Sobeys is undoubtedly nervous about a possible strike and the growing unity of its Safeway employees. Safeway is most certainly looking for labour peace as bargaining is imminent. But Safeway employees are uniting and galvanizing in their union spirit because of the affordability crisis and Safeway’s arrogance and insensitivity.

Safeway officials hinted that some economic privileges might be secured, and even improved if a new collective agreement with an extended term was agreed to. They suggested that talks around workplace issues should commence soon.

It is important to remember that we will be in a legal position to give notice to start bargaining with Safeway in about ninety days. We are getting ready to bargain right now and preparations have been ongoing for some time.

To be clear, any talks or negotiations around workplace issues must be done in front of a bargaining committee comprised of Safeway workers themselves.

We will be communicating with you about this again very soon.

Will talks start earlier?

We told Safeway we are always ready to talk. Economic pressures on Safeway employees and the affordability crisis are understandably causing our members to want to have their voices heard as soon as possible.

While it is important to talk, the content of those discussions is critical. We asserted that awarded wage gains must remain in place. Frankly, they must also improve. And employees who did not receive raises must get generous new increases as well.

Benefit plans must improve and be well funded. Other important employee issues must be addressed too!

We asked Safeway to leave the past behind, to let go of their aggressions, to be fair, and to put their current viewpoint in writing.

We are waiting for that viewpoint.

In any event, and in any scenario, meetings and negotiations with Safeway are coming very soon. Local 401 will be asking you for “contract proposals”. Simply put, these represent your “wish list” of things you want to improve at work and in your union contract.

It’s time to be strike-ready

Most importantly, we will soon be asking if you are strike-ready. This will take the form of an important poll. Wouldn’t it be great if 100% of Safeway employees stood behind their demands for a better workplace?

We believe that any form of talks with Safeway must be “backed up” with the strength of Safeway union members. In order to take your demands seriously, Safeway must know that you could withdraw your labour and strike should Safeway not negotiate fairly.

Finally, we urge you to talk to each other and representatives from your union about this evolving situation.

The matters discussed — and that will be discussed — will sometimes involve legal and labour relations principles that are unfamiliar to you. If necessary, seek clarification about these issues from your Union Labour Relations Officer or other union representatives. These are crucial conversations that require your input!

Finally, please know that the most important thing is to be strong and show unity.

United we bargain, divided we beg.

In solidarity,
Thomas Hesse, President
Richelle Stewart, Secretary Treasurer
UFCW Local 401