Deb (cashier), Shaune (Fish Dept, Local 1118) and Charlotte (Floral Manager) enjoy the Lunch and Learn. The topic surrounded the importance of everyone wearing their “I WILL BE STRONG IN 2017” buttons every day. We are stronger together!
Amber (Assistant Store Manager), Cindy (Head Cashier), Lori (Bakery Manager), Braden (Produce Clerk) and others in attendance received great UFCW 401 swag including water bottles, lanyards, pens, pins, nail files, and copies of their Union Contract.
Assistant Store Manager Carol, Shop Steward/Cashier Jim Williamson, Cashiers Emme, Deb, and Deirdra stand together in solidarity! Members learned more about the great improvements to their part-time benefit plan, the free online courses available on UFCW Canada’s webCampus, paid time off to attend free educational courses at their union office, the many different scholarships, and Local 401’s website, Facebook, and Twitter pages.