Catherine Bursey – Retirement

Congratulations Catherine on your retirement

Catherine was first hired with Canada Safeway in approximately 1981. She left briefly for a couple of years and returned as a cashier in 1985.

Throughout her years as a member of 401 she fulfilled several different roles. She became a Shop Steward when it became apparent to her that her co-workers needed a strong voice in the workplace and she took great pride in representing the interests of the members. In addition to serving a valuable role within the Union, Catherine also took on the tasks of charity coordinator within her store and took the time with her co-workers, providing support and friendly counsel for them when they ran into personal difficulties. She also served on the health and safety committee for her store (#293).

Catherine has 3 children, 4 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren. She plans on putting her spare time in retirement to good use by spending more time with loved ones and playing with her grandchildren and great grandchildren. She is also interested in taking time to travel the world and welcomes all new adventures. We wish Catherine all the best in her retirement.

Catherine Bursey Retirement

Catherine (right) is pictured with Union Representative, Dave Smith (left), upon receiving her retirement ring.

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