Ratry and Soutchay Saysana – Retirement

Husband and Wife Members Retire from McKesson After 31 Years

December 2012, Edmonton – Ratry and Soutchay Saysana have spent a lot of time together throughout their lives, so it comes as no surprise that the married couple that worked together for so long have chosen to enter retirement together. They started working only months apart back in 1981 for a company that was eventually purchased by McKesson Canada. The Saysanas have two adult children, and four grandchildren.

They plan to do a bit of travelling at first to visit their home country of Laos; then spending time at home doing what they love to do best. Ratry enjoys gardening and reading, while Soutchay, who brandishes the title of “home handy man”, now has ample time to finish off some renovations to their home. Longer term plans for the couple include relocating from Edmonton to a small residence they purchased together on Vancouver Island.

Congratulations Ratry and Soutchay from UFCW 401—we will all miss you at McKesson, and we wish for you many years of good health and happiness!

Ratry Soutchay Retirement

Ratry and Soutchay Saysana (front row-blue sweaters) are surrounded by friends and fellow Union members from McKesson to celebrate their last few days of work.

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