Rene Lamoureux – Retirement

After an impressive 53 years at Safeway working in the grocery department and as an Assistant Manager, Rene is entering into his well-earned retirement.

ReneĀ is a man of simple pleasures. He loves to hunt as well as hitting the waters, fishing in all 4 seasons. Rene is also a big hockey fan and when he’s not heading out to an Oilers game with his buddies, he’s watching his grand kids play as often as he can.

Rene tells us that he will cherish the bonds he has created with his former co-workers.

“There is a small group of guys from the Westmount days, which Rene enjoys going out with and having a beer,” Walking Steward Cat Eden tells us. “A group of former and current Westmount alumni will get together once or twice a year for a big group dinner and catch up.”

We wish you a wonderful, healthy and happy retirement, Rene. Thank you for all your years of membership in UFCW 401.

Rene is presented with his retirement watch from Walking Steward Cat

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