Your union is going to the Alberta Court of Appeal on your behalf.
There are a number of ongoing proceedings. Some of these proceedings are occurring right now and some could occur in a number of months.
We are trying to stop two things. Firstly, we are trying to ensure that your wage does not get rolled back. Secondly, we are trying to ensure that Sobeys does not try to collect monies you have already earned and been paid.
On the second point, we have had some success. The Company now admits that they cannot get that money from you on their own or force a repayment schedule on you.
Sobeys will be stuck filing a grievance and they will be tied up in litigation for a long time. Hopefully, the matter will be resolved during that time.
The issue of wage rollbacks remains outstanding and is harder to stop. But we are going to ask the Alberta Court of Appeal to stop it.
Your union will argue that rolling back your wage will cause you irreparable harm. It’s brutal. You’re struggling to get by and pay your bills and this situation is stressing you out.
There is a simple solution: Sobeys can continue to pay you what they’ve been paying you for months.
Unfortunately, Sobeys is trying to argue, in part, that the rollback will do you no harm. Below, you can see a statement from President Thomas Hesse that he gave under oath in something called an affidavit to the Alberta Court of Appeal.
You can also see a statement sworn under oath by senior Company official Morgyn Ahrens.
The contrast between the two statements is obvious.
Your union argues that Sobeys’ actions will hurt people and are really quite mean and cruel. The Company argues that their actions will do you no harm at all.
Unfortunately, the concept of a “stay” is difficult to win in court. Courts don’t like to stick their nose into matters until they are fully resolved and litigated.
We believe we have a strong case for a “stay”.
But even if we are not successful, the matter will still be litigated later on at the Alberta Court of Appeal, where there will be an opportunity for more fulsome arguments and consideration.
However, let’s be clear, your union will fight every day, in every context, and in every available way to stand between you and the Sobeys bullies. We are committed to deterring, slowing, and, if possible, stopping any employer who wants to break the golden rule.
Stay tuned for more updates as the situation unfolds.
Posted on: February 02,2025