UFCW Canada’s Indigenous Youth Arts Contest: A Call for Submissions

UFCW Local 401 is delighted to share the news of an important new call for artistic submissions from indigenous youth!

UFCW Canada is publishing a 2025 Indigenous Calendar, and are looking for artwork from Indigenous youth (ages 5-29).

Six art submissions will be chosen for inclusion in the 2025 UFCW Canada Indigenous Calendar.

Winners will also receive a $250 honorarium if their artwork is selected under any of the following themes:

  • Louis Riel Day (Feb)
  • Toonik Tyme (April)
  • Red Dress Day (May)
  • National Indigenous Peoples Day (June)
  • Orange Shirt Day (Sept)
  • Cover art

How to submit:

  • Choose one theme only for your art piece.
  • Submit your art piece (in jpeg format) via email to adaawewigamig@a7g.ca
  • Include the subject line: UFCW Canada calendar
  • Provide a short bio of who you are and the community or nation you are from in the body of the email.

Only one submission is eligible per artist. The deadline to submit is September 1, 2024.

Click here to see the contest poster.