Curious about the American Presidential election?
Announcing the Winners of the Grant Notley Memorial Scholarship!
Save the Date!
Ramadan Mubarak!
Celebrating Success and Collaboration at
When we stand together, we can win!
Now is not the time to be shy!
Beggs-Dowling-Mathieu Education Scholarship: Congratulations, Maheen!
Stop the Squeeze: Passing a law to lower food prices?
Acknowledging and appreciating our local union’s own Black History
On the passing of our Friend and Brother, Dave Smith
Stop the Squeeze: Is the cost of food about to go up?
Staying the course at Marmot Basin
Canadian grocers are basking in record profit: report
Stop the Squeeze: If it feels like groceries are more expensive than ever, it’s because they are…
Stop the Squeeze: How unions make life better for working families
Union Supports Members During Layoffs at Olymel, Calls on Government to Act
Fighting for those hit hardest by the affordability crisis
Quality of Life Improvements Take Centre Stage in New Aramark Contract
Federal government tables anti-scab legislation
Hello from Hinton… and let’s talk about the CPP!
President Hesse and Local 401 push for an outcome on the Wage Reopener process
How lowering grocery prices will help protect everyone
Fighting for our new Maple Leaf Members in Edmonton!
The Grant Notley Scholarship is Back!